Hygiene has an absolutely high priority at LAKANA Thai Massage.
Our aquariums are constantly cleaned!
The technology of our aquariums is very complex for the benefit of customers and nibble fish. The water in each aquarium is filtered 9 times every 60 minutes and 99% sterilized by a UV system and an ozonizer. This technology is not only important for the customer, but also for our nibble fish. In public baths certainly no one has to sign if there are skin diseases. With us, everyone has to do that. Also we ask all our customers to wash their feet before the treatment. Our nibble fishes are used maximum four times a day and maximum two hours. Between each use there is at least one hour break, during which the water is again filtered 9 times and additionally sterilized to 99% by the UV system and the ozonizer. Our customers can therefore be sure at all times that they are dipping their feet into clean water, which is even of drinking water quality. In addition, the fish veterinarian Jan Wolter comes to us monthly and checks the health and well-being of the fish.
We are trained and have the certificate of competence in freshwater aquaristics paragraph 11. Only with this training with subsequent examination, recognized nationwide by the VDA or BNA, you may work with vertebrates commercially, for example in the pet shop or run a fish spa. The exam includes in-depth knowledge of freshwater fish, freshwater aquariums, aquarium technology, animal welfare laws and Washington species protection laws.